Ubisoft Decides to Reactivate Fraudulent Far Cry Keys

After careful consideration, developer Ubisoft has announced plans to reinstate some of the fraudulent keys that were purchased from third party vendors. Fellow writer Kerwin Tsang first brought you the story when the news broke last week; you can read the original article here.

Those who have downloaded and already started playing Far Cry 4 will have their keys restored, but any remaining keys will be deactivated.

After further investigation into the matter of keys that were fraudulently purchased on EA’s Origin store, we are reinstating keys for consumers who already had successfully activated and started playing the games,” a representative told us via email. “Any remaining fraudulently obtained and resold keys have been deactivated.

via gameinformer.

The move outraged players and even had several retailers irritated by the gesture, but Ubisoft took necessary precautions to ensure that all current fraudulent activity would stop. In another statement made to gameinformer, Ubisoft assures players that they will continue to deactivate keys if it means preventing all current and future fraudulent acts from occuring.

We are working with EA to prevent situations like this from happening again, and we will continue to deactivate keys that are found to be fraudulently obtained and resold.

In any case, players should purchase their games from trusted retailers to prevent getting entangled with potential fraud. Though buying from outside parties may save you a few bucks, it could end up costing you headaches in the long run.

Daniela Drook: Daniela's fascination of video games began with her first Super Nintendo console at the tender age of 6, exploring the adventures of Link with Zelda: Link to the Past and Goofy from Goof Troop: Goofy and Max Adventures. From there her love of gaming only grew moving on to more advanced consoles such as the Sega Dreamcast, PlayStation, PC, and later on Xbox. These days you can catch Daniela battling guardians in the crucible or enemies plaguing the world of Destiny on PS4. She is currently studying to become a software engineer in hopes of one day developing her own game. Please feel free to interact with her on twitter.
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