With only a few weeks remaining until the unveiling of the Playstation exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn, Sony has decided to release a couple of trailers on youtube to show off some of the machines players may find themselves interacting with in the game. The set of videos give some crucial details about each machine, and surprisingly, they even including their vulnerabilities.
The first video reveals to us the “Stormbird” which is described in the video as being a “combat-class machine” that has the will be able to attack its prey with fearsome agility. Not only will the Stormbird be deadly in the air, but it will also be able to land and have a variety or attacks, both fast and deadly, that Sony has dubbed as “wing blasts” and “claw slashes”. What stands out the most with this machine is the fact that the Stormbird will have huge metal wings capable of “collecting and discharging the electricity in the air”. To combat these attacks, the video reveals a few tactics for when players find themselves in battle with the machine. Take a look at the video below and see what you think.
The second video reveals the “Thunderjaw” which will also be categorized as a combat class machine with Sony describing it as “one of the deadliest machines encountered in Horizon Zero Dawn“. The Thunderjaw will have an arsenal of cannons, disk launchers, and a laser that shoots out of its mouth. “Its powerful ranged attacks will quickly cut down any hunter foolish enough to alert it. Space permitting, it can also unleash with a devastating range of melee attacks such as charges and tail swipes”. One of the tactics given to fight off the thunder jaw is to use its own weaponry against it by removing its disk launcher. Players will then have the option of picking it up to even the playing field a little bit.
While the game was originally intended to be released in 2016, it was delayed and given a release date of February 28th. Be sure to keep a close eye as Sony will surely have more content to release to make us all want to play the game even more.