Twin Soul: A Developing Co-op Horror Game

The saying “two heads are better than one” gets put to the test in the upcoming indie horror game, Twin SoulThe mystery game enables a two player feature where gamers can team up and put their minds together to solve challenging puzzles to save their souls.

Set in distant Eastern Europe, the game brings players into a psychological horror setting where they will have to defeat disturbing creatures and figure out twisted puzzles. “The game raises a variety of social problems, the expression of which can be found in the appearance of monsters, the environment and the characters themselves,” says the developers. White Noise Team focuses on bringing real life psychological experiences into their game, in order to truly sell the authenticity of the creation.

Twin Soul has an incredible nightmare like element, and these give the whole experience a menacing and creepy atmosphere. In the teaser trailer released two years ago for Twin Soul, we can see the strategic placements of the horror traits that one would most likely experience in a bad dream: unnatural red lighting, inescapable confinement, and abnormal creatures.

While the game’s website has not released any specifics about what it will feature, the developers have taken the time to answer some FAQs from their fans, such as:

  • Will the game be on Kickstarter?
  • Which platforms?
  • Will the game have early access?

More questions about the game are answered on the Twin Soul website. As of the now, the official release date for the game has not been revealed, which is to be expected since the game is still in serious development. What we do know is that the game is at least targeting the bigger platforms such as PC, Mac, and Linux, but Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will be optional. Twin Soul has been in the works for over two years and has shown substantial progress. Re-introducing a cooperative feature for a horror mystery game is not only bold, but indeed a challenge in itself. The game shows amazing potential in its plotline and will surely make a name for itself because of its horrifically rich setting.


Deja Randle: Aspiring creative writer and avid gamer. I am either spending my time reading, writing, or getting countless kills in my favorite fighting games. I love staying up to date on the latest gaming innovations, and enjoy sharing that news with people who have the same interest.
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