With each coming Final Fantasy XIV Online Fan Fest, a little more is added to Final Fantasy XIV Online. The last two, one in Las Vegas last November 2018 and one in Paris early February 2019, had introduced two new classes that would be added, the addition of the longtime fan requested Viera race, and a couple more minutes added onto the eventual Shadowbringers DLC. And now being hosted over in Tokyo, Japan, the FFXIV Online Fan Fest is adding more, and more, and more, and two minutes more on the trailer:
The main new thing that has been added, included in the trailer, is the new Job title: Dancer. In the trailer the Dancer is shown off with a Viera and the two ring-blade weapons. As the name suggests, the Dancer uses dance moves to attack their enemies, or to buff their allies near them. However, this new job is considered a ranged DPS job, and not so much as a type of support. With no class associated with it, this job will be available to players when they reach level 60.
The next big thing is the new race being added. This race is known as the Hrothgar, cat-like people. And, unlike the all-female Viera, there will be both male and female variants with customizable features and unique head shapes. There are two clans for this race as well, so choose a side.
As for new locations, there have been two. The first one is The Crystarium which was highlighted in the video right after the Dancer was introduced. The blue hued crystal tower is somewhat of a spectacle and quite beautiful. The other is Eulmore, which is a colorful city on the top of what is described as a Steampunk cog-in-the-machine type structure. There currently isn’t anything that is specified of what lies ahead in these new locations.
And the final large feature that is being added in the new 8 player raid series known as Eden. There isn’t a whole lot of information out about this new high-end raid, other than that there will be a new character made specifically for this mode, and new challenging bosses. However, the new bosses will be designed by none other than himself, famed Tetsuya Nomura. So expectations are high and very exciting.
All of these new updates, as well as the previously mentioned features from the past Paris Fan Fest will be added on March 26, 2019 in the next big patch. The Shadowbringers DLC is still set to come out on July 2, 2019 with an Early Access starting June 28, 2019. However, Square Enix has stated that this Early Access Date is subject to change.