There is currently a free trial available to everyone for Titanfall 2, but PC players with a subscription to EA’s Origin Access service will be able to get the full experience of what the game has to offer. The free trial ends on July 30 but the players will be able to play the full game through Origin Access as much as they want to starting Tuesday August 1.
Earlier this month the title was announced to be arriving to Origin Access by September 1 along with Battlefield 1. Now that we have solid confirmation on Titanfall 2’s release the only unknown is when Battlefield 1 will follow suit.
Origin Access itself acts similar to Netflix but for video games instead of television shows and movies. Subscribers will pay a monthly fee and in turn gain access to a wide variety of games from EA such as Mass Effect, Dead Space, and Star Wars Battlefront. The service originally started off with 15 titles at launch but has now grown to over 70. They even offer some non EA published games as well such as Rebel Galaxy, Oxenfree, and The Banner Saga.
Contrary to the first Titanfall, the sequel has both a single player campaign as well as the action packed multiplayer features that fans enjoyed in the original. The game has also recently added a new cooperative horde mode which is free to download for players like most of the DLC for Titanfall 2, excluding the cosmetic items like new the warpaints for titans that do add XP boosts for players.