First the announcement, then the trailer, and now the cosmetics. Overwatch has been busy with showing off the upcoming cosmetics in the Storm Rising event for their hero roster, all of which are based in the lore of the game. Or at least, the Legendary cosmetics have been lore based, while the Epic cosmetics have been more simple and aesthetically pleasing. For lore based ones, only Moira and Baptiste were shown off. But Blizzard wasn’t done.
Next to show off some new threads is McCree in his new Legendary skin:
Saddle up with the infamous outlaw gang. 🌵
Go on the run as DEADLOCK MCCREE (Legendary)!
Chase the truth: April 16 🔎 https://t.co/du08Phzket pic.twitter.com/ptY7pcF45f
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) April 12, 2019
McCree’s skin goes into the lore of his character, of how before he joined Overwatch and Blackwatch, he was part of a group known as the Deadlock Gang. They were the ones who inhabited the map Route 66, and was ruled by Ashe. Though she’ll come into play later.
Up next is another Epic skin from Hammond, better known as Wrecking Ball:
Roll with style 🕶️
Behold Hammond’s High Roller Wrecking Ball skin, coming to Overwatch April 16: https://t.co/mRHFStuyub pic.twitter.com/WHPp1DC2pO
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) April 12, 2019
This one got a good chuckle, as High Roller is not only a take on the characters ability, but seeing a hamster in a pair of shades like this is very amusing. Sleek, simple colours, and some gold to top it off, this is welcomed in the hamster’s line up of cosmetics.
Next is Soldier: 76, showing his face off in a new Legendary skin:
Save the medals, I’ve had my fill. 🎖️
Commemorate your glory as FORMAL: 76 (Legendary)!
Chase the truth: April 16 🔎 https://t.co/du08PhhIPT pic.twitter.com/dUb32FWAk9
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) April 13, 2019
This is relevant to Soldier: 76’s character as well, as this is no doubt the decorated uniform he wore when he went from a soldier to Commander Morrison. His gun also gets a small make-over as it appears to have some wooden accents along the sides. Formal and snazzy, and another chance to see what’s under the mask.
Bastion is up, sporting his second lore-specific omnic skin:
A phantom emerges off the coast of Busan.
Terrorize your enemies as GWISHIN BASTION (Legendary)!
Chase the truth: April 16 🔎 https://t.co/du08PhhIPT pic.twitter.com/q3W0w9J37D
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) April 14, 2019
This legendary level skin is known as the Gwishin skin. It resembles the look of the enemies during the last Archive’s Event, Retribution. The same color scheme and metallic look, making him fit right into the bad guys. And it causes questions on if this means there will be a new Bastion-like enemy, similar to the one in the Uprising Event.
Next is Zarya showing off a new color scheme:
Brace for the race.
Put the pedal to the metal as RACER ZARYA (Epic)!
Chase the truth: April 16 🔎 https://t.co/du08PhhIPT pic.twitter.com/9Rm4eHIEpF
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) April 14, 2019
This is just an epic level skin, but the color scheme is similar to that of Tracer’s T-Racer skin. Brightly coloured of race-car drivers, Zarya now owns both the battlefield and the racetrack.
And finally to Ashe, rocking some hot pink in her new legendary skin:
You have to watch out for the one percent.
Keep it bougie as SOCIALITE ASHE (Legendary!)
Chase the truth: April 16 🔎 https://t.co/du08PhhIPT pic.twitter.com/kfFWLbxDSv
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) April 15, 2019
Ashe in her story when she was revealed back at the last Blizzcon, of how she was raised in a rich family. Which meant she had to keep up appearances in her daily life. And this was before she started the Deadlock Gang. Arguably, the best thing about this bougie high-life look, is that her matching pink clutch, are her dynamite bombs. Talk about a big surprise. Sadly, her omnic partner B.O.B. is not shown off, which means he’ll just be a (most likely) matching pink surprise.
Amongst all the cosmetics, little was being told about the event. Until today, that is. Overwatch’s official twitter had been posting updates of cosmetics and just reminders of when the event was starting, but today they dropped another trailer:
Decryption status: COMPLETE
Target located. Overwatch Strike Team deployed. Chase the truth. 🔎
Prepare for Storm Rising April 16. pic.twitter.com/KuFTjlM8vD
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) April 15, 2019
This shows off a lot. This trailer shows off more of Havana, Cuba and what the map will be like. As well as the upcoming hurricane that is meant to hit the city. The new voice, Sojourn, seems to be the helpful guide in this mission as well. The enemies seem to be repeats of last years Retribution event.
But there seems to be… something more. There’s a scene with Genji, of him facing the three cars one of which has Maximilien, and Tracer’s following behind on a motorcycle. It’s possible that this might lead into a new game mechanic of those who play as Tracer have to follow behind the payload of Talon members and try to help from there. Exciting, if it is.
Overwatch’s Storm Rising is set to start tomorrow, April 16 and run until May 6.