The Sims 4 introduced infants as a new life stage in the base game. In a live stream with both Sim Guru Graham and Morgan previewed what the update had included. The update includes new-build items like baby decorations, cribs, and bassinets.
Players can create their own infant in create–a-sim (CAS), or the classic Woo-hoo, or with a new feature called science babies. The science baby feature allows players to have a surrogacy story. This feature allows sims to ask their friends, or romantic interests, or have a science baby by themselves. The sims do not need to have a romantic interest. The science baby is instant and the sim does not have to go through the pregnancy stages. “Whether it’s a same-sex relationship, whether it’s platonic, or whether it’s a surrogacy. There are all these types of stories that you weren’t able to tell in The Sims 4 previously and now all that is possible,” said Graham.
The Sims 4 has also altered newborns, adding the entire skin tone range, correct genetic eye color, and overall appearance. The first fix that the developers wanted to change was caring for newborns. Instead of picking up the baby and putting them back into the crib between interactions, the sims will hold them between interactions. If you have the Seasons Expansion Pack, newborns will now react to storms or the cold. Lastly, they changed the time for newborns to automatically age up into an infant.
With the update, there are new traits for infants, cautious, sensitive, calm, intense, wiggly, and sunny. These new traits allow the infants to show big emotions and be more challenging to take care of or they could be easygoing. Throughout gameplay, the infants can grow attachments through moodlets. The development team has also fixed the high chair so infants can experiment with their favorite types of baby food.
The Sims 4 infant update is now available for all platforms.