The Red Strings Club is a “cyberpunk narrative experience” about tending to a bar that is now available on Steam. Publisher Devolver Digital also dropped a new trailer along with today’s release that paints the liveliness of the game.
The trailer showcases the cyberpunk aesthetic and the promise that this game is much more than a bartending simulator. The unique pixel art that developer Deconstructeam utilized in their previous game Gods Will Be Watching is featured in this title as well. Apart from the introduction to some RPG elements, this trailer demonstrates a lot of the artistic choices, but doesn’t give much information about the story. Instead, a full run-down is provided in the video description and Steam page.
Players are challenged to take down a corporate conspiracy through impersonating people on the phone, an extensive use of pottery, and bartending. A moral dilemma is tackled early on as it is disclosed that this corporation is attempting to release a system that will eliminate depression, fear, and anger from society. The player-controlled bartender and part-time hacker views this attempt as a means of brainwashing society, and vows to put a stop to it.
The mechanics include vocal espionage, which assumes the voice of those within the corporation, and allows the player to manipulate their intent. Genetic pottery is included as an implant that changes the attitude of the corporation’s executives, and psychological bartending performs a similar ability that allows the manipulation of client’s emotions. These mechanics can be utilized to gather information needed to stop the corporation’s plans.
The Red Strings Club is available now on Steam for Windows, Max OS X, and Linux. Any future updates can be found on Deconstructeam’s twitter.