The Metal Gear series has a roster of memorable and notable characters, ranging from well known to obscure, normal and supernatural. Players now have the opportunity to play as one of the most controversial characters from the latest major installment (MGSV), Quiet.
Metal Gear Solid V‘s online multiplayer is nothing like the conventional head on player-versus-player mechanic most people are used to. Instead, players infiltrate one another’s Forward Operating Bases (FOBs), in a game of stealth snatch-and-grab, trying to steal the other player’s resources, soldiers, even vehicles. The FOB mechanic expands heavily on the base building mechanic from Peace Walker, and the “hero unit” that you can select for missions. Although Snake is only playable in the main solo missions, his team isn’t held to such a limit.
Having been the second character released for online play, after Revolver Ocelot, Quiet is a different beast to the table. The official statement from the site says:
You can play as Quiet to infiltrate FOBs. You cannot change her uniform or head options. She is an expert with a sniper rifle, and her steady hands let her take her shots with minimal shaking. Quiet’s movement speed is extremely fast and allows for unique jumping abilities over high steps where a player would usually need a ladder. She can close in on enemies quickly with her special dash, while remaining still for a certain amount of time will make her stealthy.
Players who have experienced the main game already know the overpowered, supernatural capabilities she possesses and can now use them to their advantage when invading other players. They have full access to her superhuman speed, aim, and invisibility creating a seemingly unfair advantage (except for players who already have her).
Alongside the update, players now have access to a “hard” mode infiltration which provides more event points.
The update is now available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox One