After it’s initial teaser, The Legend of Bum-bo seemed to almost fade away along with other previously teased games that have since ghosted. However, Edmund McMillen recently revived his game by releasing a hilarious trailer that gives fans a decent glimpse into its gameplay.
Bum-bo is a character who lives blissfully in his rickety cardboard box with his loyal companions “trash bag” and “coin” always at his reach. His lavish life remained undisturbed until someone set an evil eye on his precious coin and greedily stole it away from Bum-bo’s possession. Left with his formidable trash bag and unwavering will, Bum-bo resolves to rescue his coin from the wicked bad guy.
Bum-bo is indeed a mighty character as he is equipped with various types of mana to overcome the deadly dungeons. However, the essence of each kind of mana is a bit unprecedented. Bum-bo is able to utilize two types of offensive mana, white and black. To use white mana to its fullest power, Bum-bo must match four white bones to create a femur that causes minor damage when thrown. Black mana functions the exact same way, except Bum-bo accumulates four rotten teeth that causes a larger amount of damage when also thrown. But that is only the tip of the ice-burg when it comes to Bum-bo’s array of mana usage, and more details can be found on the official page for The Legend of Bum-bo.
We see Bum-bo put his abilities in action on a puzzle board that allows players “to do basic attacks, defend/heal, and gain mana.” Bum-bo is also capable of casting spells that reside in five different categories:
Attack Spells: Spells that directly damage enemies in many different ways.
Defensive Spells: Spells that reduce or negate attacks, heal or counter incoming attacks.
Puzzle Spells: Spells that modify the puzzle board.
Items: Spells that require charges to be used (much like usable items in isaac).
Special Spells: wild card effects!!!
McMillen’s game is hysterically gross and simplistically adorable. Bum-bo’s character is incredibly endearing when he innocently regards himself in third-person, giving the personality of this game a unique comedy factor that has fans laughing and spirited.
I’m laughing so hard at this intro! Having heard the isaac one countless times that was something special! Thanks Edmund!
— Patrick Cosgrove (@PCosgrove31) April 20, 2018
As of now there is no set release date for The Legend of Bumbo, but according to McMillen the game is “nearing the end of development and will be releasing sometime later this year on both steam and iOS via The Label, hoping for a Switch release sometime next year”.