The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced Coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S

Recently, in the Blackwood Chapter Preview Event, Zenimax Online Studios announced the arrival of The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced edition coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. The online multiplayer was originally released in 2014 taking around seven years to be developed. It quickly became a favorite for many players who love the series. The new edition is set planned to be released on June 8, 2021.

The game occurs a thousand years before those of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and around eight hundred years before The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It follows simultaneous storylines in which players will have to fight to keep balance in the world while trying to learn about obtaining supreme power in the Tamriel.

For the enhanced version, there are several updates coming to the new systems. While in performance mode, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S players will be able to run the game at 60 fps. For those with 4k monitors, fidelity mode will allow the game to be run at 30 fps in 4k. Another feature is improved load times. The developers’ mentioned that the load times have been almost halved ensuring players stay engaged. There is also better-increased draw distance, which allows players to have larger views of the beautiful world surrounding them. Lighting, contrasting, reflections, and more have all been refined and improved for the update.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced free upgrade to PS5 and Xbox Series will be available for those who own PS4 and Xbox One copies of the game. There will also be a new companion mode, so if you and your friends are unable to play together, you don’t have to be completely alone on your adventure. Players will learn more about the daedric plots and the Prince of Destruction. Familiar regions from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will also be available for fans of the series to re-explore.

For more information, be sure to check out The Elder Scrolls Online website.

Rebecca Williams: I am a writer and casual gamer currently living in Knoxville. I enjoy writing about a lot of different things but video games by far have been the most fun. Currently, putting off all responsibilities to play Monster Hunter Rise.
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