Earlier this year Ubisoft came to the conclusion that they needed more time to pump out the Survival DLC for The Division in order to first make fixes to the core mechanics of the game. In a twitch broadcast today, the developers decided to answer some questions about what exactly the DLC will entail.
In a developer livestream, Ubisoft revealed, via Kotaku, that the new DLC will be based in the original map of the game, but with a new deadly twist. Players will be crash landing with up to 24 others with the only goal being to try and survive. With their helicopter unable to reach its destination, players must traverse a deadly snowstorm and retrieve the vital antiviral drugs.
The goal for the optional game mode is to, well, survive. With only a pistol, low level gear, and no skill powers to start, players will need to scavenge, manage their new hunger, dehydration, sickness, and cold systems in order to survive.
Scavenging for new clothes and supplies will be accompanied by cold ratings, meaning that some items will offer more protection from the elements than others.
The rules can be set as PvP or PvE depending on the players preferences. There will also be no rank requirement, anyone will be able to jump in and attempt to survive. Of course at the end, players will be given new and exciting gear to grow their character. The better someone survives, the better gear they’ll get.
To make things more difficult, there will also be no re-spawning or mini map to help players. They will truly be relying on themselves and their ability to reach the antiviral drugs.
With no mention of an exact release date for the Survival DLC, having previously been planned for an August release date, players will have to wait a little longer. Starting today however, players who purchased a season pass for PC before last Thursday will be able to play early on The Division’s dedicated test server.