The Deal With Super Mario Odyssey’s Amiibo Support

With the release date for Super Mario Odyssey fast approaching, Nintendo has announced that players can use game use all available amiibo to unlock costumes for Mario. Also Nintendo’s official website for the game states that any “amiibo exclusive” content will be available without the requirement of amiibo at all.

This comes as a surprise as many developers have included some form of microtransactions within their big titles. One of example of this from Nintendo is that they locked certain costumes for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for amiibo support. Another example that has caused a bit of an uproar is that Metroid: Samus Return’s hardest dificultty setting is locked behind amiibo support as well.

However, this won’t be the case for Super Mario Odyssey, but Nintendo may try to advertise some new amiibo alongside the game such as the wedding themed Mario, Princess Peach, and Bowser figures that will be releasing later this month in light of the game. With amiibo availability becomes a factor as well. So adding this expense just for unlockables within the game can be somewhat of a nightmare to players who like to have all the content in their games, but can’t get their hands on certain amiibo figures.

It looks like Nintendo has reassured players that won’t be the case for Super Mario Odyssey by letting players use amiibo that they already possess to help obtain special content. Super Mario Odyssey will release later this month on October 27 for the Nintendo Switch.

Yammarii Long: My name is Yammarii, I am a 24 year old graduate from Union University. I majored in Digital Media Communications with a minor in Communication Studies. I have interests in writing, directing, editing, photography, graphic design, and all sorts of other things. I am a video game enthusiast with a passion for pop culture that loves to stay up to date with whats going on in today's world of gaming.
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