It’s finally time, the leading man of SNK’s Fatal Fury series has finally gotten his own official trailer for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves after being in the game’s debut trailer months ago. Sporting the new yet classic look that he popularized in the first Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Terry Bogard has officially landed.
Terry is about as classic as classic can be in an SNK game, he’s got all your favorite moves: crackshoot, power wave, rising tackle, burn knuckle, and of course Buster Wolf even preceded by Terry shouting “Are you okay?” though it doesn’t hit quite as hard as the Japanese voice line. And, of course, Terry’s super move is Power Geyser, but a spicy enhanced version, one that hearkens back to the ultimate payoff move Terry used in the Fatal Fury anime, in fact, where he kicked up a hurricane with his legs before igniting the wind with a Geyser.
Also making its triumphant return is Terry’s Fatal Fury 2 stage, the desert cargo train with various arid wildlife in the background, and an interesting detail of faces carved into the cliffsides in the back, in place of the Mount Rushmore copy that was there in Fatal Fury 2. People are speculating that this is the Mount Rushmore of sorts for Fatal Fury’s past villains, and you can make out the details of Billy Kane, Wolfgang Krauser, Laurence Blood and an unfinished face that may be Geese Howard.
It’s certainly a good time to be a Terry Bogard fan, with Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves releasing soon as well as Terry’s guest appearance in Capcom’s Street Fighter 6, not to mention his showing up in Nintendo’s Smash Brothers series, Terry has definitely re-asserted himself as the face of SNK and one of the biggest faces in fighting games as a whole, look forward to playing him in multiple games soon.