During The Game Awards 2020 pre-show, Tchia has been revealed. This comes from developer Awaceb and is inspired by New Caledonia. Players will play as a young girl named Tchia. You’ll climb, glide, swim, and sail your boat around a beautiful archipelago in a physics-driven sandbox.
The world of Tchia is inspired by New Caledonia, a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean which also happens to be the homeland of Awaceb’s co-founders. Inspiration was taken from the rich and varied local landscapes, cultures, music, languages, folklores and traditions to create a fictional world and to tell a universal story that anyone can understand and enjoy.
What makes Tchia unique is the main character’s special ability that allows her to take control of any animal or object. There are over 30 playable animals and hundreds of objects. Tchia can free climb, glide, and sail her boat to cover longer distances and visit vast archipelago with varied biomes and weather. Another mechanic involves Tchia’s ukulele which is fully playable (picks, strums, bends). There are story-specific rhythm segments and there are unlockable melodies that affect the open world. You can also customize Tchia with hundreds of unlockable cosmetics and the boat is also customizable.
The story has diverse characters inspired by New Caledonian culture and cutscenes will be fully animated and voiced. The characters are voiced by local talent in traditional languages and will be subtitled in many languages including English, French, Russian, Chinese, German, Spanish, and more.
The game will be available on PC and Google Stadia. Also announced at The Game Awards 2020 were Shady Part of Me, Perfect Dark, The Callisto Protocol, Back 4 Blood, Ark II, Evil West, Evil Dead: The Game, Season, and more.