Take-Two CEO Is Focused On Games That Give More Than They Charge For

Games have been getting pricier, with the average triple A game running for about seventy dollars. The first game to make the jump up to this new industry standard was actually Take-Two’s NBA 2K21, and now with the release of Grand Theft Auto VI on the horizon, coming some time in 2025, new worries about prices are rearing their heads. With Take-Two at the beginning of the last price change, and the dour news that has been dominating the industry throughout early 2024, it isn’t hard to see why. Luckily enough, the CEO of Take-Two, Strauss Zelnick has commented on an earnings call and says that “[they’re] so focused on delivering more value than [they] charge.” 

Granted that doesn’t confirm or deny the true center of the question: will GTA 6 be more than seventy dollars or not? Given that the price change from sixty to seventy only happened in 2020, it might be relatively soon for another jump. On the other hand, the effects of the pandemic’s video game bubble that has been collapsing for the past few months, might incentivize an increase in pricing. Outside of this specific call, Zelnick further commented on Rockstar’s attempts to make GTA 6an experience no one has seen before” and said that “perfection is hard to measure.” Whether that means Rockstar believes they have a near perfect experience on their hands remains to be seen. 

However, Zelnick thinks that the price increase was overall received rather well, so for a near perfect game, perhaps the stakes, and the price, will rise as well. As a consumer it can be hard to know all the ins and outs and actual costs of the massive triple A games that dominate the year’s best new games lists, but Zelnick maintains that price tags actually prefer consumers to developers. In terms of bang for your buck with all the content, these massive games offer so much that the price tag might be underselling them a bit. Either way, the whole truth won’t be available until further on in GTA 6’s marketing cycle.

Jack Slomka: Interactive stories have been the core of my gaming experience. The rich narratives created in video games are only heightened by their embodied nature. My love for video game narratives makes me excited to see how new stories unfold, an experience I'm excited to share with you all.
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