Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a new game, and with new games often come glitches. Currently, the game is on version 1.2.0 which released relatively recently, with fixes to multiple characters including Villager and Isabelle. Now that might not seem like much without proper context but as of writing, the two are still extremely broken. What makes these two characters broken is that they have the ability to “pocket” projectiles, certain attacks, and items. Pocketing in general has some bizarre properties that seem to mess with the game in interesting ways.
This glitch was discovered by YouTuber TheAfrowJow, who states in the video description that he and a friend “discovered a bug during our Isabelle mirror match”. Having both Isabelles use their fishing rod on an assist trophy simultaneously to pocket it, causes the first Isabelle to repeatedly use the assist trophy, spawning whatever is in the assist trophy infinitely. This glitch has some very entertaining results and can be recreated easily; you can view the second part of the infinite assist trophy video here.
There is also another glitch involving Isabelle that has the ability to crash the game very, very easily. By having Isabelle and Villager pocket a ball and throw it repeatedly, for some reason the game just doesn’t like it and goes kaput. This glitch can’t be done with two Villagers or two Isabelles, which means it is likely caused by an overflow. While this glitch hasn’t gained as much attention as the assist trophy duplication glitch, it certainly deserves to be mentioned.
Don’t expect these glitches to stay in the game for very long, as many highly exploitable glitches like these have already been patched. While the glitches involving Isabelle and Villager can’t be abused in a competitive setting like other glitches in this game could, there certainly is potential with other characters in the game also having attacks with odd properties. Hopefully some of the new characters that will be coming to the game won’t be as broken as current characters are.