Summer Games Fest: Hands On at Annapurna with Flock and Bounty Star Previews

Annapurna Interactive is known for supporting very artistic or intriguing games. At Summer Games Fest, we got to go hands on with two games that both easily fall into one of those criteria. First, Flock is a very artistic type of game that completely different from everything else. While Bounty Star is the intriguing mixup of genres featuring a farming sim and bounty hunter mech combat. Perfect fits for Annapurna!


Flock is a game where you are creating a catalogue of creatures that live on some islands. Simple enough, right? Wrong! Flock is such a colorful and delightful little cataloguing game. Your character is a Bird Rider, thus you can fly around these island to create a log of every type of animal that lives there for you aunt and uncle. All these animals are so incredibly silly looking and colorful and are just out there random creatures that no one has ever seen. Except sheep there are many wonderful, according to your uncle, sheep that are still around. The gameplay isn’t too complicated, so it doesn’t interfere with the relaxing artistic vibes the game has.

Flock is set to release July 16, 2024.

Bounty Star

Bounty Star is something completely different with its mixing of two genres you wouldn’t expect to hear together. Mechs and Farms. The game has a somewhat Western vibe but with mechs. The demo we played was the very beginning of the game. You start in a hub area where you build out a farm to provide ingredients needed to cook up food before missions. These meals that you create give your character different stat boosts for when you are conducting your bounty hunts.

Once you go on these hunts, you are put into a bigger open and must find the bounty on the map. Once there, you must defeat all enemies in the area to collect your reward. There are also optional objectives that you can complete to gain even more rewards. Combat isn’t too dazzling and your mech doesn’t seem like it can take too much damage as we were dying a lot in the demo. Still I would like to see how Bounty Star turns out as the game goes on.

Zachary Dalton: I have a major passion for video games, the stories they tell, and writing about them. Avid believer that video games present the best storytelling opportunities out of any media, and that needs to be conveyed. Former competitive Pokemon player. Attended university to study game development. Wouldn't be who I am today without games.
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