Summer Games Fest: Exoborne Preview

At Summer Games Fest, we got to learn more about Sharkmob’s upcoming tactical extraction shooter Exoborne. Yes, another shooter to join the litany of other live service games that are all the rage now. How will the game find its place in this ever growing and more crowded genre. The developers are aiming to have the game stand out compared to other games in the genre.

In the game, you can form a squad of up to three players. to explore the map of Colton County and complete objectives. The developers want to make the more approachable than other games in the genre by giving it a more high approachabilty and low risk methodology to the gameplay. Most games in this genre make it extremely hard to get stuff back after  you die or you lose it all completely. In Exoborne, it will be much easier for you to get the items that you lost back upon dying. That doesn’t exclude the game from having no consequences as it was stated that there will be plenty of high risk high reward type of scenarios for players to enjoy. While, the game is set to be apporachable there is still only light narrative content, so don’t go into it thinking there will be a story to play through.

The map of the game looks pretty wild and traversal is a big part of Exoborne. There are multiple ways to traverse Colton County such as your handy grappling hook and parachute to cover distant a lot faster. Then, it was stated that matches are aimed to be around 20 minutes or so, thus you’ll have plenty of time to do everything you can.

The big unique thing about Exoborne is the crazy and dynamic weather system. This is a surefire way to differentiate from its competitors as I haven’t seen any other game have the types of weather this one can have. There are shots we saw of fire blazing as a tornado picks up, and then the two combine and you now have to compete with a fire tornado whooshing around.

While only seeing so little of the game, the dynamic weather effects and approachability are a huge selling point of Exoborne, and, honestly,  that might be enough for the game to carve out its own niche when it finally releases.

Zachary Dalton: I have a major passion for video games, the stories they tell, and writing about them. Avid believer that video games present the best storytelling opportunities out of any media, and that needs to be conveyed. Former competitive Pokemon player. Attended university to study game development. Wouldn't be who I am today without games.
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