Summer Games Done Quick Raises More Than $3 Million for Doctors Without Borders

One of the most popular livestream/video game events of the year has just concluded. Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) has ended its annual speed running streams with more than 134 different titles that were all played at breakneck speed. The event is also used for raising donations for certain charities, and this one was no exception. The organization has just revealed that SGDQ finished with a total of $3,016,200 in donations, all of which were donated to the Doctors Without Borders charity.

As we already mentioned, SGDQ went through 134 different speed runs, all of which were completed at varying degrees of time frames. The speed runs, all of which can be viewed on their official YouTube channel here, consisted of several types of titles, some of which ranged from AAA titles, all-time classics, and indies as well. This includes Elden Ring, Mass Effect, Altered Beast, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Super Mario Sunshine, and Doom Eternal. The speed runs also consisted of special challenges such as playing on the highest difficulty, completing everything in the game, not taking any damage, and not using favorite weapons or features. It truly is an extreme challenge for the players involved.

The Games Done Quick event began in 2011, and it’s amazing how much it’s grown in the past 12 years. The SGDQ events by themselves have generated a lot of donations for both the Doctors Without Borders and the Organization For Autism Research. The next official livestream/event for the Games Done Quick organization is Awesome Games Done Quick, which has a tentative time frame for January 2023. While there aren’t any confirmed dates as of yet, the organization will most likely update it as we get closer to the end of the year on their official website.

Alex Levine: I like to write about video games, movies, tv shows, and other types of creatively imaginative alleyways and avenues. Currently assessing how long it will take to complete a new book.
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