SteamDB Alternative EpicDB Launches With Alleged Game Project Leaks

The launch of a new SteamDB alternative platform allegedly contains accidental leaks of unannounced projects within the gaming industry. First spotted by Resetra forum user MondoMega, the launch of Epic Games’s new EpicDB platform was found to allegedly house pages if information on many of the leading industry publishers unannounced games for the near future.

If true, the scale of this leak could potentially be enough to rival the Nvidia GeForce Now database hacks from 2021.

EpicDB users can just search the publisher names to see these leaks, with some of those publishers include Sega, Sony and Square Enix.

Among the games Alledged to be spotted include an apparent Final Fantasy IX Remake, a Turok game and more. Regardless, most of the games listed on the site are under code names, but that hasn’t stopped gaming fans from speculating.

However, while these leaks look substantial to many fans, it’s unknown if these leaks are even accurate. Until more information is given, fans will have to wait to hear from Epic Games for any concrete answers.

In an update, Epic has released a statement saying: “We released an update tonight so third-party tools can’t surface any new unpublished product titles from the Epic Games Store catalog.”

For more information head over to Epic Game’s official website and social media.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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