Steam Reaches 65 Million Active Users

It turns out a lot of people use Steam, guys.Valve recently announced that digital distribution software Steam has 65 million active accounts. How they define ‘active’ isn’t explained (possibly as accounts that have at least one purchased game), but even still that’s an impressive number. Even more impressive is that it’s a 30 percent increase from last year, when Steam boasted 50 million users.

At this point Steam as a service eclipses Xbox Live which has 48 million accounts, and starts to rival the Playstation Network’s 110 million. At peak hours Steam has over 6 million users online simultaneously. Its largest game is free-to-play Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) DOTA 2, which regularly has over 500,000 people playing at once.

This news only comes a month and a half after Steam’s 10 year anniversary. It’s hard to think that when it launched Steam was widely seen as more of a nuisance than a feature, but as time marches on so does progress.

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