Steam Demos Rework Coming Soon

Steam demos are getting an upgrade. Valve will be reworking some of how demos work on the Steam site. Based on feedback from developers and players both, the company will be restructuring demos to serve as a better marketing tool. Now players who have a game wishlisted will be notified when the demo drops. Luckily with the new “add to library” button, no matter where or when a player gets that notification they can add the new demo to their library without downloading it. It seems this was mainly for those who wanted to add something to their library with the mobile app, but it definitely makes the whole process more convenient in case someone does not want to install right away. 

On top of this, demos can be downloaded and installed after purchasing the full game. This will apparently be done to help developers “test demos and help players manage their libraries.” This might help customers who pre-ordered the game, in case there were any difficulties prior to now.

The biggest change has to be the addition of separate Steam store pages for demos. It’s not a requirement, apparently coming down to dealer’s choice – or developer’s in this case. This should make demos more accessible in terms of marketing, thereby fulfilling the main goal of these changes. The demo page gives a bigger canvas for developers to market with; descriptions, screenshots, or videos can be added to the page that are specifically about the demo. However, having a whole page means that users can leave reviews of the demos. While this might be a benefit, as reviews can help indicate how players are feeling about their first playable look at a game. If anything, reviews for the demo should be more important just in case that feedback gets addressed for initial release, or a later patch. Overall, the changes to demos might just make them a better tool for developers and players alike.

Jack Slomka: Interactive stories have been the core of my gaming experience. The rich narratives created in video games are only heightened by their embodied nature. My love for video game narratives makes me excited to see how new stories unfold, an experience I'm excited to share with you all.
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