State of Decay has always been a considersably popular zombie game, and we see this even more so since the release of the second game. State of Decay has gained over one million players for its fanbase, and the numbers keep growing thanks to Twitch, Mixer, and YouTube, as stated on the Xbox Wire website.
Xbox has gained millions of survivors since State of Decay’s initial launch on May 18 all the way up to the actual release date of May 22. Xbox has also witnessed the countless dynamic stories of their fans and gives just as many thanks for the incredible support.
The game has gained an exponential amount of views, earning it the title as one of the most watched games this week. This is a certainly a momentous accolade for Xbox that probably would not have been achieved without the help of various streaming platforms. State of Decay has earned such a fast growing fanbase because of its innovative and realistic ways of surviving, and by being tied with a different, yet capturing, storyline that the game uses to hook in players. Xbox Wire states:
Watching players create new communities, forge friendships and test survival skills contributed to making State of Decay 2 one of the top-watched titles this week. Across player communities, we’ve seen survivors kill over 675 million zombies, throw over 6 million firecrackers and fireworks (survivors still find ways to celebrate), eat over 6 million bags of snacks, read over 2 million textbooks, and typically survive for about three days (with some players surviving for over an in-game month – a lofty goal to aim for your session this weekend).
Xbox is definitely reassured by their fans in regards to the success of the game, which is not too surprising. State of Decay 2 incorporates decision making with intense survival. Instead of being the typical hack and slash, shoot em’ all, type game, State of Decay 2 not only challenges the player to be creative and a survivalist, but also makes sure that they face realistic repercussions for failing to do so. The game supports the fact that not every player wants to build a base and camp in one spot. Some want to move about and conquer. Either way, Xbox will have an answer to their question: how will you survive?