Well, the Sun and Moon demo has only been out for a few hours and people have already broken into the demo to see what they could find.
Kotaku reports that a group of hackers and data miners have dug into the demo’s files and found a ton of unreleased content. First off, we finally have a look at the final evolutions for the starter creatures.
aaaaand there they are pic.twitter.com/vxXSK3dQm3
— Ryan (@TKOWL) October 18, 2016
You may notice that they look familiar and you’d be right. Two weeks ago, in an article discussing the second evos we reported that a Chinese leaker had released a number of things about the game that turned out to be correct, and now we can add this to the list. They also found a number of shinies including Dartrix and it’s as yet unnamed final evo.
@NWPlayer123 holy fuck pic.twitter.com/JOK9uKWroS
— hamcula(@OG_HAMBURGHINI) October 18, 2016
A quick acting data miner who goes by Kaphonics released a couple of videos that broke down all that was found in the demo. In the video, you can see that the main legendaries, Solgaleo and Lunala, have some sort of prevolution and the mysterious Ultra Beasts have shiny variants.
If you don’t have the time to watch the videos a user named ProfShroomish posted pictures of the entire Alolan dex on Imgur for your viewing pleasure.
The demo is out right now in the US eShop. It gives you a look at one city and lets you try out an Island Trial. The trial itself tasks players with photographing two Jangmo-o’s and two Hakamo-o’s, each of which attack you after you snap the pic. The last Hakamo-o you photograph will be the Totem Pokémon, a beefed up normal Pokémon, who will summon an ally Pokémon to fight with it.
It sounds like new things will be unlocked on different days. For example, if you talk to a person near the new Pokécenter he will tell you to come back tomorrow for something, possibly an item you can transfer to the full game.
This isn’t a leak, but several people have discovered one of the best Alolan variants ever, in my opinion. If you talk to a lady by the beach she will ask you if you want to look through your Poké Finder, a device used to take pictures. If you do you will find a Dugdrio will flowing blonde hair.
Alolan Dugtrio, ~video version~ pic.twitter.com/GaVGJGrldf
— Luis~☆ (@ruiisuD) October 18, 2016
Pokémon Sun and Moon will be out on November 18th for all Nintendo handhelds.