Star Wars Battlefront New “Outer Rim” DLC Adds New Characters, Maps, and Weapons

Almost four months after EA released Star Wars Battlefront, the first paid DLC, “Outer Rim” is being released sometime this month. This DLC is included in the $50 season pass purchase, and should be available to be purchased individually but a price has not been released yet.

Included in this DLC are new maps on Tatooine and Sollust, new weapons, two new playable heroes, and a new mode. Details on these maps is very small, but what is known is that the map on Sollust is set in a smelting factory, and the one on Tatooine is set in and around the iconic Jabba the Hutt’s Palace. As for the weapons, the two new guns are the Relby V-10 rifle, and the DT-12 Blaster. There will also be three new star cards: Scatter Gun, Dioxys Grenade, and Adrenaline Stim. The new heroes are Greedo and Nien Nunb but details on these character’s abilities and weapons have not been released. The new game mode is called Extraction, and the description says:

Rebel forces have entered some of the most dangerous places in the Outer Rim in order to extract a valuable shipment of resources. Now they must bring the shipment to their transport ship before time runs out. The Empire has arrived to stop them from reaching the extraction point.

With another three DLC’s on the way, the world of Star Wars is coming to you!

Eric Chang: Writing from Boston University. Enjoys playing video games. Currently playing Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2.
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