Star Wars: Battlefront II just released its newest and last update to the game last month but now fans want the developers to reconsider that because of what is going on with the game. Now about 50,000 fans signed a petition to express their feeling and concerns about bringing more DLC for the popular Stat Wars game.
The website page of the petition, Change.org petition, which was created by Christen Alder. She wrote to EA Games stating that “Star Wars: Battlefront II is one of the greatest video game redemption stories of all time. From a disastrous launch to a complete success, the transformation of the game is inspiring to all Star Wars fans and gamers alike. Unfortunately, the game was cut short while still having so much potential for wonderful new content. New maps, heroes, skins, private matches servers, etc. are a must for this game. All those who sign this petition would be willing to pay for new DLC to keep this awesome game alive.”
The fact that so many fans have spoken out about this issue and numerous others have signed this petition. It was inevitable that the DICE producer Ben Walke will hear about this and return with a statement being that fan was tagging him on Twitter. He stated, “You keep posting this to me but I’m not sure what you want me to do with this. The team has seen it, but it’s not our call. I really love that almost 30k of you have signed it [at the time of this tweet], but over 200k signed the alternative petition to this 2.5 years ago. Perspective.” Now what he is referring to was when the Star Wars: Battlefront II first came out in 2017, fans were not fond of the game and were very adamant to voice their dislike with the same methods fans did for this matter.
Even though this may not bring any sort of change, the developers do acknowledge the commitment that fans have for Star Wars: Battlefront II and hope that fans continue this ambitious attitude and critics when Star Wars: Battlefront III comes out.