Star Trek Online: Victory is Life Fourth Expansion Trailer

The Star Trek franchise kicked off their 25th anniversary with their fourth expansion: Victory is Life. In this expansion, players will be able to create formidable captains within the Jem’hadar faction, and will also face a level cap increase from 60 to 65.

Within the franchise, fans have only experienced the world of Star Trek through the perspectives of the characters from the television series. Players of Victory is Life will be able to live their life as a part of the Star Trek universe. And now with the addition of the Jem’hadar faction, they can anticipate a more genuine experience from the expansion.

Victory is Life is more than just a spin off of a trendy phrase; it is a motto signfying the depth of this game’s desperation. In Victory is Life, players are pushed to join forces with old allies and long lasted enemies. Their universe is threatened by an even more formidable enemy, and every species residing within that world must band together. Stephen Rocossa, Executive Producer, goes to explain:

The story that drives Victory is Life dives deep into the history of the Hur’q, the Dominion, and is rich with classic DS9 moments.  To tell such an incredible tale we needed an incredible cast, and we were able to feature nearly the entire main cast of Deep Space Nine. We have Rene Auberjonois returning as Odo, Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys, Alexander Siddig as Dr. Julian Bashir, Andrew Robinson as Elim Garak, Armin Shimerman as Quark, Aron Eisenberg as Nog, Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun and Brunt, J.G. Hertzler as Martok, Chase Masterson as Leeta, Max Grodenchik as Rom, Salome Jens as the Female Changeling, and Bumper Robinson as Dukan’Rex.  All in all, this is the largest cast we’ve ever assembled for an expansion and with a story you have to play to believe.

What’s really unique about this game is that players are not forced to be so cookie cutter. As captains, they will be granted the power to customize their avatar and even starship crew. So far, the game promises a dramatic plotline entirely geared by the choices a player will make, but not necessarily for the Jem’hadar faction that has been added to the fourth expansion, since players will be required to overcome the level cap increase. “This system provides challenges for captains to complete that will provide bonus personal and account wide rewards.  This collection of fantastic content will put you in the boots of a Jem’Hadar…” as stated by Rocossa.

Star Trek: Victory is Life expansion will be available for PC through either Steam and Microsoft late this summer. More details can be found on the website.

Deja Randle: Aspiring creative writer and avid gamer. I am either spending my time reading, writing, or getting countless kills in my favorite fighting games. I love staying up to date on the latest gaming innovations, and enjoy sharing that news with people who have the same interest.
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