Our third announcement for The Game Awards 2018 is a remastered update to the classic meta video game The Stanley Parable. The remastered version will not only feature new endings, but it will also arrive on consoles.
The trailer features The Narrator talking about the game and all the recognition it got back in 2013 as it humorously shows clips of video game award shows honoring The Last of Us and Papers, Please. He starts to talk about how they’ve sealed away the source code where it can be safe from greedy hands, but then realizes that they’ve forgotten to do something important: bring the game to consoles.
The Narrator traps poor Stanley as he describes his idea for a remaster, featuring new endings, a console, and more additional content. Stanley isn’t on board, but naturally, his destiny isn’t in his hands. And besides, the Narrator’s third swimming pool isn’t going to pay for itself.
From the sounds of it, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe will be packaged with the original game, and ported to consoles. Little else is known about what to expect from it, but you should probably get it day one so you can get through that achievement for waiting five years before playing the game.