Sony has released the latest financial report for Q1 2020 which covers April-June. The new report shares new numbers for sales of the PlayStation 4 as well as covers the impact of The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima; both of which made and broke records when they were released earlier this year. The report also touches on how production for the PlayStation 5 is going amid the pandemic.
In total, PlayStation 4 console sales are now at 112.3 million units. It isn’t much of an increase from where it was before but that is expected as the PlayStation 5 gets closer to being released. Another reason that numbers were slow is the effect that the pandemic has had on production but everything seems to be running smoothly. The report said: “Although production of PlayStation 4 hardware was slightly impacted due to issues in the component supply chain, these issues have now been addressed.”
What the pandemic has impacted the most is software sales, more specifically digital software sales. The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima has broken new records recently after Ghost’s release last month.
The Last of Us Part II sold 2.8 million copies digitally in June, breaking digital sales records for PlayStation. When it was released in May, The Last of Us Part II became the fastest-selling exclusive for PlayStation 4 with more than 4 million copies sold.
Ghost of Tsushima became the fastest-selling new IP for PlayStation 4 with 2.4 million copies sold. It passed Horizon Zero Dawn which sold more than 2.6 million in the game’s first two weeks in the market.
In May, Sony revealed that new subscriber records were reached for PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now. PS Plus subscriptions were at 41.5 million at the end of March. Now, Sony is reporting that PS Plus subscriptions have reached approximately 45 million as of the end of June.
“Regarding the launch of PlayStation 5, although factors such as constraints due to employees working from home and restrictions on international travel remain, necessary measures are being taken and preparations are underway with the launch of the console scheduled for the 2020 holiday season. At this time, no major problems have arisen in the game software development pipeline for Sony’s own first-party studios or its partners’ studios,” the report reads.
Sony has a State of Play planned for later this week focused on PlayStation 4 and PS VR titles, but there are reports of another PlayStation 5 focused presentation happening later this month but nothing official has been announced yet.