Due to overwhelming demand for the PlayStation VR Sony has announced that they will be opening up pre-orders for the core edition (just the headset/cables, headphones and demo disc) on March 22 at 7:00 at participating retailers.
It’s been a big week for Sony and the upcoming PlayStation VR. Not only will it cheaper than its biggest competitors, the Rift and Vive, but it also won’t require some crazy expensive PC to run. Seems like a pretty sweet deal for people who want to get in on the VR craze but don’t have the disposable income needed to buy into the experience. One of the complaints people have about the PlayStation VR is that it requires the PlayStation Camera, something that isn’t included with the console. Now Sony’s got you covered.
Today John Koller, Sony’s Vice President of Brand Marketing, made a post on the PlayStation Blog announcing pre-orders for special launch edition of the new VR system for $500. The bundle’s pretty sweet too, not only coming with the required PlayStation Camera, but also two Move controllers and a Sony’s version of Nintendoland called Playstation VR Worlds.
According to the game’s announcement post, PlayStation VR Worlds is a collection of five games specially made for the PlayStation VR and range from raiding the galaxy, taking part in a heist and exploring the ocean. You can check out a trailer below.
If you’re interested, you can pre-order the bundle starting this Tuesday at participating retailers. No word on which retailers will be carrying it but Amazon has listing for it and you can probably expect GameStop and Best Buy to be stocking the launch bundle as well.
Koller went on to say that if you aren’t able to pre-order PlayStation VR, a second wave will be available in the summer.