As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc, the video game industry has come to provide aid for those who have been impacted. Many developers, publishers, and people within the game community have helped such as Rockstar Games, Bungie, Ndemic Creations, and Jacksepticeye. Sony has also helped by establishing a $100 million COVID-19 relief fund and a donation of $10 million. Now, they have announced another venture that aims that continue helping out in these tough times. The Play at Home Initiative has two components. Two free games that are available for a limited time and the establishment of another fund for independent studios who may be struggling right now.
Over on the PlayStation Blog, President & CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Jim Ryan said: “People all over the world are doing the right thing by staying home to help contain the spread of COVID-19. We are deeply grateful to everyone practicing physical distancing and take our responsibility as a home entertainment platform seriously, so we are asking our community to continue supporting the safe choice and the need to Play At Home.”
The two free games available to download from April 15 through May 5 are Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey. Once you download the games, they are yours. In Germany and China, players will be able to download Knack 2 and Journey during the same window.
The other half of the Play at Home Initiative is a fund worth $10 million to help independent developers going through financial hardships. More information about the fund and how developers can participate will be released soon.
Jim Ryan closed the announcement with: “During these days of physical distancing, fans have turned to gaming for moments of respite and enjoyment. At Sony Interactive Entertainment, we are privileged to bring this much-needed entertainment. We know this is just one small step and we are thankful to be able to offer this support to our players, our communities, and our partners.”