On November 26, 1999 SNK Corporation released Garou: Mark of the Wolves for the Dreamcast, it was the latest entry in the Fatal Fury series and it would be the last entry in the iconic series as SNK turned their attention to their more popular team based franchise King of Fighters. But as of today, 25 years after Garou: Mark of the Wolves, after being announced last year, we finally have gameplay footage for a sequel to Garou and the latest entry in the fantastic Fatal Fury series is finally on the horizon.
Dubbed Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, this will be the first Fatal Fury fighting game in a very long time. Unlike SNK’s more popular and contemporary series, King of Fighters, Garou is a traditional 1 on 1 fighting game, no team comps or strategies employed, so this will be a return to traditional fighting games for SNK.
But there is one thing that City of the Wolves is adopting from the recent King of Fighters games, and that would be its artstyle. At first SNK’s attempts at integrating 3D elements into their games was received very negatively, both because they were on the back of the gorgeous and timeless King of Fighters 13 and because King of Fighters 14 did look a bit bad. But as the years have gone on the games have only improved more and more both in terms of fidelity and artstyle, and now City of the Wolves looks like a fantastic addition to SNK’s art gallery.
As shown in the trailer, we received a small taste of the roster at large. Obviously returning is the ever popular Fatal Fury protagonist Terry Bogard, as well as Garou protagonist Rock Howard. Alongside them are previous Garou characters Hotaru Futaba and Tizoc. Time will only tell if other popular Garou characters like Gato, B. Jenet, or Khushnood Butt will be joining them.
There’s no set release date yet, but we can expect Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves in early 2025. Look forward to it!