SMITE is at it again with another large-scale mashup of pop culture relevance and their popular MOBA released in 2016. The game originally included 17 “gods” but has since grown to 121 playable characters with countless cosmetic options that let players customize the way they play. The newest additions to these cosmetics will now include a wide variety of Nickelodeon-centered options, as the trailer has revealed of the latest SMITE crossover.
🎵”Nick Nick Nick Nick na Nick Nick Nick ~Nickelodeon~”🎵
That’s right! Some of your favorite characters from @Nickelodeon are joining the Battleground of the Gods in SMITE! pic.twitter.com/ZUmCrL0MWL
— SMITE (@SMITEGame) July 5, 2022
Joining the SMITE battlefields are “Danny Phantom” as a skin for Janus, “Invader Zim” as Cupid, “Powdered Toastman” from Ren & Stimpy as Gilgamesh, “Rocko” from Rocko’s Modern Life as Danzborou, and “XJ9” from My Life as a Teenage Robot as Freya. While some can opt to skip the worry and pay for the skins, others may choose to complete challenges and earn the skins as they go. Of course, these are not the first Nickelodeon characters to crossover with SMITE. The Last Airbender skins for Merlin (Aang), Skadi (Korra), and Susano (Zuko) were released in mid-2020. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle skins for Osiris, Loki, Mercury, and Sun Wukong followed close after in late 2020.
This new Nickelodeon announcement follows close on the heels of multiple other SMITE crossovers, each getting exponentially closer to real-world associations as the years progress – a Transformers tie-in ended 2021, the SMITE x Rambo event began the year in April, and a Slipknot (yes, the band) crossover allowed gamers to play as all nine band members in May.
Now, it seems that SMITE is content to give the fans what they want as some more Nick characters are thrown in, several iconic characters getting the fan service they deserve.