Skyrim plus DLC is 75% off on Steam

Steam is making good on its Autumn Sale today with 75% off the fifth and legendary addition to the Elder Scrolls series, Skyrim. Once $19.99, the game is going for $4.99 until the deal ends on Dec. 1st. Steam is also offering a package deal for Skyrim: Legendary Edition (containing all DLC plus patch 1.9) for 75% off also, from $39.99 to $9.99–a totally worthy purchase for any fan. The gargantuan discount also extends to several of Skyrim’s stellar DLC, such as:

  • Dragonborn: the third and most recent expansion offered in Skyrim. Released in 2013, players were treated to a story revolving around Miraak, the first Dragonborn, now power hungry and a growing threat. The DLC also gave players the kick ass ability to ride on the backs of dragons–like a Dragonborn should!  Once $19.99, now $4.99, without a question worth the buy.
  • Hearthfire: an add-on that give players the ability to purchase land, build a home, and have a family–specifically adopting children and having them live in your home (much like Bruce Wayne took Dick Grayson as a ward, except the Dragonborn leaves his youngsters at home instead of dressing them up as superhero sidekicks). Once $4.99, now $1.24 (cheaper than a cup of coffee).
  • Dawnguard: the thrilling first expansion for Skyrim, involving a plot thick with vampires and those who hunt them. Players have the choice of adopting vampirism, werewolvism, or becoming a member of Dawnguard. Once $19.99, now $4.99.

Altogether, the DLC can be purchased as a package deal for $11.22 total. This discount comes just in time for the holiday season. Why sit around the table enduring conversation with unsavory relatives when you can be punching dragons with your voice? This awesome Steam Autumn Sale steal lasts only until Dec. 1st. Why not spend your holiday in scenic Skyrim?

Sandra Hahn: A writer who spends too much time playing Dragon Age. Known bibliophile, and graduate in Creative Writing from UC Riverside. Can be found lurking @SandeelizHahn on Twitter.
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