‘Second Chance Heroes’ released on Steam

“Second Chance Heroes” was released through Steam on the Fourth of July. The PC release of the arcade-style action-adventure title, created by indie development team, Rocket City Studios, joins an earlier release of an iOS port. If the prospect of Napoleon Bonaparte riding a large cannon that kicks like a malfunctioning mechanical bull, while he indiscriminately blasts away at hordes of mutant cheeseburgers, sounds like an ideal gaming experience, this game may just leave you satiated.

It is the apocalypse to end all apocalypses. Zombies, killer robots, aliens, a nuclear holocaust, and a plethora of other calamities, reminiscent of The Cabin in the Woods, loom over the world. The people of the modern world are, according to the game’s synopsis, “Made weak by over-exposure to kitten videos, reality TV and ironic photos of bacon.” Meanwhile, in the fictional town of Hungerton, USA, a high school teacher, with a hobby of amateur human cloning, gathers DNA to clone historical figures, such as Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, and nine other historical harbingers of halting heart-rate (unless, of course, their target is already dead) and enlists them to fight to save the world.

The game’s website boasts “fast and relentless” gameplay. Each character has their own attacks and abilities, and more are unlocked as the game progresses. Players can play alone, or with up to three teammates. “Second Chance Heroes” also offers a tag-team feature. Players choose two of the notable ensemble of characters and can swap the characters out when in danger.

In an interview with VentureBeat, Dana Massey, the lead game designer for “Second Chance Heroes,” said Rocket City Studios plans to expand content for the game in the future:

“Post launch, we hope to continue supporting the game with new characters, levels and game modes. It’s a bit of a cliché, but we want to see how the game does and what the community wants before we commit to any specific course of action.”

In the same interview, Massey said the possibility of the game’s compatibility with the Linux operating system is not ruled out.

The game’s original price on Steam is listed at $14.99, but is currently on sale until Jul. 11 for 10 percent off of the original value, with the final price resting at $13.49. It can be found at http://store.steampowered.com/app/293360/. The iOS version can be found on Apple’s App Store at an affordable 99 cents.

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