Square Enix announced in a press release the semi detailed content included in the season pass for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The season pass will have narrative content as well as other special items which will, ” help to further flesh out the lore of the Deus Ex Universe”.
The season pass will house two different story missions. The first being “System Rift” expected to be out this fall. While the second “A Criminal Past” won’t become available until early 2017. Beginning August 23rd, players with the pass all be granted a plethora of in-game items including:
- Assault Pack: Prepare to advance and assault the enemy with a custom skinned Battle Rifle, the Chaff Augmentation, one pack of regular Battle Rifle ammo, one pack of armor piercing Battle Rifle ammo, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 EMP Grenades.
- Tactical Pack: Using distance to your advantage, eliminate your targets silently with a custom skinned Tranquilizer Rifle, the Micro Assembler Augmentation, one pack of tranquilizer ammo, 3 Smoke Grenades, and 2 Gas Grenades.
- 4 Praxis Kits – These additional Praxis Kits will allow you to further develop the augmentations of your choosing, moving you one step closer to unlocking Adam’s full potential.
- 5000 Credits – Bolster your wallet with additional credits, providing you with extra spending money to purchase Praxis Kits, ammo, weapons, or anything else you may find at the shops in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
- 1000 Crafting Parts – Use crafting parts to craft upgrades, such as increased damage and accuracy, for any weapon in your inventory.
- 5 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach Booster Packs – Open your booster packs to unlock new weapons and items, Praxis points, premium ammo, and more, helping to augment and enhance your avatar in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach.
- 20 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach Chipsets – Use your chipsets to acquire exclusive items in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach, such as premium Booster Packs and custom weapons.
The pass can be purchased on Xbox Live for $29.99 and Playstation Network for $36.99, as well as online stores. The season pass will however be included for those players who decide to purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition. Deus Ex:Mankind Divided will be released on all platforms on August 23rd.