Back in 2023, developer S-Game made quite an impression when it officially announced and released the first look at Phantom Blade Zero, an upcoming, highly stylized action-focused game. It left many wanting more. Last year, they released a new gameplay trailer during Summer Game Fest. Now, S-Game has released a new gameplay trailer in celebration for the upcoming Chinese New Year, the Year of the Snake.
The gameplay trailer showcases a battle against the Seven Judgments who fight in a “sword formation.” As you can see in the footage, one serves as the “heart” of the group and helps coordinate the overall formation. The Seven Judgments were once righteous warriors who used this formation to slay countless powerful enemies but have since turned into puppets corrupted by the bloodthirst from the Trancension procedure. Six of the warriors wear white robes with a dark hollow in the place of faces while while their leader, Decree, wears blue with a similar hollow face, faintly glowing with a ghostly blue flame.
Throughout the battle, across both battle phases, S-Game features a variety of different weapons and Phantom Edges throughout. In the first phase, we see the White Python and Red Viper, a pair of swords of different lengths. The White Python is a long sword wth wide, sweeping attacks, while the Red Viper is a short sword designed for precision strikes. Both swords can also be used in combination such as the White Python propelling the Red Viper to attack.
The Venomus Softblade can be seen in the second phase. It’s a flexible sword that excels in countering and deflecting attacks.
The two new Phantom Edges that were shown were the Savage Axe and Ink Cut. The Savage Axe charges for three powerful strikes, each dealing heavy Sha-Chi damage to enemies. Ink Cut is a combo-oriented artifact that chains together with main character Soul’s primary weapon hits that expand the overall combo.
S-Game has said that they will announce the release date for Phantom Blade Zero sometime this year.