The state of Mortal Kombat 1 has not been very pretty as of late. First, Mortal Kombat 1 had problems with its monetization and its DLC practices since its release last year, underperformed as a competitive game at EVO before being dropped from EVO entirely and now it’s being reported that Khao Reigns, the latest expansion for Mortal Kombat 1, has underperformed to the point that support of the game is being cut off entirely. As leaked by Redditor _FateUnknown_, there are no future plans for Mortal Kombat 1, with the future story expansion as well as Kombat Pack 3 being dropped entirely.
Now, when it comes to Reddit leaks, one must always take them with several grains of salt. However, within the Mortal Kombat community _FateUnknown_ is pretty reputable, having previously predicted a few of Netherrealm’s decisions in advance, so many within the community consider them an insider.
If this is true, this does not bode well for Netherrealm, Mortal Kombat, or even Warner Brothers (who recently named Mortal Kombat as an IP that they were going to focus heavily on in the future). Mortal Kombat has always performed well enough as a game series to sell more than its predecessor (Mortal Kombat X sold more than Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat 11 sold more than Mortal Kombat X) but it looks like Mortal Kombat 1 will be the first game since Netherrealm’s breakaway from Midway to buck that trend. And with both the casual scene and the competitive scene in shambles it looks like it’s really curtains for this iteration of Mortal Kombat.
What the future holds for the IP is unknown, bad decisions with the monetization, the mechanics, the story, the single player modes and the online crossplay has seriously hampered Mortal Kombat 1 at every turn, and while Netherrealm games are rather infamous for bowing out of popular thought early this game barely lasted a year. It’s very clear that something has to change.