Rumored Upcoming Nintendo Direct To Feature F-Zero Series

The F-Zero franchise could possibly be looking at a comeback, according to a Pyro, a well-known leaker in the community. Pyro initially teased the news Friday morning on X, formerly known as Twitter, writing that fans “of a certain MATLAB function” will be happy with an upcoming Nintendo Direct. For those unaware, MATLAB is a programming language that has one of its many commands named fzero.

While it’s unclear what will exactly be shown, it could quite possibly be something big. Pyro shot down a theory from a reply to his initial post, speculating that the rumor could simply be a port of F-Zero Advance on the GameBoy Advance app for Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack members.

Originally released on the Super Famicom and SNES in 1990 and 1992 respectively, F-Zero went on to become a wildly loved sci-fi racing video game franchise. The series is known for its difficulty due to its high-speed racing, becoming one of the fastest racing games ever made. F-Zero: Climax was the latest release in the franchise, all the way back in 2004. Since then the franchise has stayed alive in the public eye through Nintendo’s Virtual Console service and its notable representation in the Super Smash Bros. Series.

It is long overdue for another entry into the F-Zero franchise and from the way fans have responded to these rumors, there’s a large enough audience of both new and old for Nintendo to cater to.

That said, Nintendo has yet to confirm its next big Direct. The last official Nintendo Direct aired in June 2023, while a Direct focused on the upcoming platformer Super Mario Bros. Wonder, aired last week. For more information and future updates on Nintendo, head over to its official social media pages and website.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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