Rockstar Offering “Stimulus Package” in Light of Online Issues

As it goes, Rockstar has been encountering some… hiccups in regards to the release and operation of their ambitious GTA Online. In hopes of reconciling these problems, Rockstar is offering up a “stimulus package” to convince frustrated fans to stick around.

Through October, any player that logs into the online server will be awarded $500,000 of in game cash. Now isn’t there an old saying that when everyone is rich, nobody is rich? Well, Rockstar has confronted the issue by presenting the payment in two different deposits of $250,000 each. The first of these payments could arrive sometime next week.

In order to access the funds, players will need to play the game in October and download an updated titled: Update 1.04. After this goes through, players will see a sweet deposit of $250,000 into their character’s bank account.

This is Rockstar’s attempt to make life for the characters in game and players in the real world a little bit easier despite the cloud server issues, connection issues, and in some cases loss of progress issues that have plagued the game since its release on October 1st. To put it into a bit of perspective, the online storefront in the game sells bundles of $500,000 (in game) for $10.00 in the real world. Not the greatest stimulus package but a healthy reminder that Rockstar looks out for their fans.

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