Rocket League Developers Talk Plans For 2018

Rocket League developer Psyonix posted their year in review this week, and what a year it has been for them. According to their numbers, over 38 million players have played more than two billion matches since the game’s launch in 2015, and those numbers are likely to keep increasing with the launch of Rocket League China on the horizon.

It looks like Psyonix has quite a few updates in their pipeline for players, ranging from a revamped progression system to new achievements and trophies, and of course, more customization options for the cars. Tournaments are finally on their way after a delayed beta test, which will now be happening in early 2018.

And last but certainly not least, full cross-platform play is coming. Rocket League has been toying with smaller versions of this for a while now, but had been unable to reach a deal for full compatibility across all their platforms. It looks like that will change in 2018.  “Our PsyNet Party tests this fall were a huge success – thanks again to our patient Steam playerbase for helping us out! With PsyNet Parties now stably powering the Switch platform, we’ll begin rolling it out to all of our players sometime next year.”

Of course it hasn’t been all fun and games for Psyonix this year. They announced that in 2018 their focus will be server reliability. Their goal is to prevent as many issues on their end as possible, but they are also looking to allow players to get a better idea of what is causing their connectivity issues within the game. “We’ll be rolling out improved connection quality status information in the game client in 2018 that will tell you if you’re experiencing packet loss, latency variance, or legitimate game server performance issues,” they said in the update.

They also noted that they will be working on performance issues that have been plaguing Xbox One players, but that those players will have to wait until the new year for any more updates on that.

Rocket League has had a great year and is on track to have another in 2018. With a continually growing user-base and plenty of updates to their servers and gameplay, things are looking good for Rocket League fans in the new year.

You can read the entire update for more details.

Sarah Johnson: Sarah Johnson is a writer and recent graduate of New York University. In an attempt to pursue all of her passions at once she majored in film production and minored in both game design and cinema studies. In her spare time you will find her playing the games she writes about, binge watching Netflix, or working on her next cosplay.
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