Reverse: 1999’s global server is getting a major update next week with Version 1.5. A new event story takes Players to Australia for an Olympic style games for Arcanaists (mages) at Uluru. This main event story will also introduce new playable characters on the limited banners.
Right after the update on Apr. 18th, new 6 star character Spathodea will be on rate up. Spathodea is a Beast type who excels at dealing burst single-target damage, especially against burned enemies. While Spathodea applies some burns in her kit, she can’t reach her full potential without support. Luckily, Chinese players know that a 6 star support Isolde is coming in version 1.7 that will propel Spathodea to her full potential. For Global players though, between now and then is version 1.6 which has the current best DPS in the game Jiu Niangzi. As such, free to play players will have a decision to make about Spathodea, whether to attempt to pull her before Jiu Niangzi, and then get Isolde two versions later.
Besides the new 6 stars, are a pair of 5 stars. Ulu is a Mineral type support for burn who also heals a bit. Desert Flannel is a Beast support/DPS who can mass heal the team and buff their attacks while doing her own. Ulu should be on Spathodea’s banner, with Desert Flannel on Erza’s.
The trailer for version 1.5 also features a whole host of smaller events, including the return of raids, and the UTTU event designed to add special power ups to characters while playing it. There will also be character stories for the two new 6 stars so that players can collect some of the necessary materials to build them up.
Overall, version 1.5 might be a quieter patch for some players, but still offers a lot to do. Enjoy version 1.5 “Revival! The Uluru Games” coming after the update on Apr. 18th.