Respawn Responds To Fan Feedback From Tech Test

Over the past weekend, Respawn let fans take Titanfall 2‘s multiplayer out for a spin. During that time fans had a lot to say about the game and Respawn is ready to share the changes that were made.

In a lengthy blog post, Titanfall 2‘s Multiplayer Designer Steven DeRose broke down the changes into six sections.

The first focused on pilot mobility. Players were curious why changes were made to the wall running mechanic and, according to DeRose, they were made to improve gunplay. In most combat situations,  the movement made combat felt chaotic and unskillful. To that end, the team will be tweaking wall-running and air speed making it a bit faster. Unfortunately, while making this change another problem arose. Players seemed to be losing momentum while wall-running. That issue was also fixed, and players should now be able to run on walls with the greatest of ease.

The next change was made to the titan meter. How it originally worked, the meter would increase as players completed objectives. In practice, it was discovered that some players weren’t able to complete objectives. Now players gain “a small passive amount of titan meter every few seconds.” This was done so that everyone would get at least one titan per match.

Players also said that titans had a habit of dying too often. While this wasn’t an issue that received a direct fix Respawn did comment on it. Features like rodeoing a titan would be lethal in the original game, however, in the sequel the move damages the titan and steals some battery life. DeRose said that while people did have issues with the changes, it was most likely due to players not accustom use to them. DeRose added that the titans in the Tech Test didn’t have strong defensive abilities and some titan kits raise the titan’s defense.

Players pointed out that Ion and Scorch, two titans in the game, felt too slow. Once again, DeRose said that this is because there are more titans to choose from in Titanfall 2, and some are faster than other. Still, the dev team agreed that they were kind of slow, and made dashes charge faster.

The subject of maps came up as well. Players wondered if every map would be as flat and open as Homestead, the map shown off during the test. DeRose assures players that no, not every map will be like Homestead, and the team will be revealing more maps on the site over the next couple of weeks.

Lastly, the HUD. Players said that it felt too busy, and as a result players will be able to customize it based on their preference. Respawn also changed how far away players can see enemy outlines so they can’t be seen from far away.

You can see all these changes on display during Titanfall 2‘s second tech test which is taking place this weekend, according to the Titanfall website.

Titanfall 2 will be out on October 28th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Chris May: Part writer, part gamer, part cinephile voltroned together into one annoying critic. Tell him how great he is:
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