Rainbow Six Siege Teases New Season Titled Deadly Omen

Ubisoft’s most consistent success story continues as Rainbow Six Siege is heading for its ninth year of planned content. This past year was a tumultuous one for the title as many fans questioned developer changes and overall game health. Slowly but surely things have begun to look better but players have even more to look forward to as a planned livestream will be taking place on Saturday, February 24th, detailing all the new information regarding Year 9 Season 1 titled Deadly Omen. Many players are still caught up in the hype of the R6 invitational, that is taking place in Sao Paolo Brazil, to even begin thinking of a brand new season incoming, but the current season is slated to end in exactly 20 days from now. 

As for information, we don’t really have any apart from the announcement but we did also get an accompanying graphic with what seems to be our first look at the brand-new operator’s gadget. The operator is surely to be a brand new attacker seeing as Ubisoft has been following that trend of attacker and defender switching each season. We don’t know where this operator will be from as we have no known roadmap for this year yet, but that will also most likely be talked about on the livestream. The stream itself is also happening on the second to last day of the invitational which will surely have many players’ attention. 

Expect much more information regarding the overall roadmap of the game such as balance changes, new maps, seasonal game modes, and much much more.

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