PUBG Plans Another Crossover with Tera: Fate of Arun

The past few months, PlayerUnkown’s Battleground has seen its fair share of crossovers. First with Naughty Dog, and then with their live event on PUBG Mobile with Resident Evil 2. But in an odd twist of Bluehole ownership, PUBG will be crossing over with free-to-play Tera: Fate of Arun.

In the trailer, it shows off a number of familiar aspects from the PUBG universe put into certain areas in the world of Tera. The level 65 area of Highwatch is completely decorated with planes, jeeps and supply crates, as well as certain desert areas such as Tulufan; Chebika will have the large parachutes of the supply drops as well.

Not only that, but there’s a load of costumes that characters can get. Namely, the full outfit of the PUBG mascot, including the helmet. The outfit is available for each race and gender, including some creative liberties for them as well. To add on to give the full extent of making the character look like they belong in the Battlegrounds, weapon skins will be available as well. So yes, the healing class now has an AK-47. To match aesthetics even more, pets get the same make-over of collared white shirt, tie, and helmet.

This isn’t the first crossover that Tera: Fate of Arun has had, having recently done one with the popular anime Attack on Titan with similar cosmetics and weapons skins. This will be one of the first few times that Tera gets a full map makeover that isn’t for a holiday event. It is also a question of whether or not Corsair’s Stronghold, Tera’s own 20 v 20 battleground, will get a similar updo to match PUBG‘s deserted world a little more.

This PUBG x Tera: Fate of Arun crossover starts on March 5, 2019, and has no announced end. This high fantasy world is about to get apocalyptic and wild.

Lara Makrianis: A Creative Writing/English major at SNHU nearing graduation, who has their sights on being part of a writing credit for sci-fi horror game series. Spends their time working on cosplay's, art, video editting, and attempting to write something spooky. Thinks Halloween is year-round (it is).
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