Amid a newly released report, Sony’s PS4 Neo, will launch before the end of 2016. That means it would arrive well ahead of Microsoft’s Project Scorpio. It seems sony will be heading into these holidays with another slight edge in the console wars. Players have been asking for a more powerful system on each side and sony will scratch that itch first.
Several credible sources have confirmed this information via Eurogamer’s Richard Leadbetter. Andrew House, a member of Sony, confirmed Neo ahead of this years E3, at the time also mentioning that it would not be discussed at the event.
The Neo will have stiff competition however as Xbox’s Project Scorpio is boasting some impressive console bench marks. It is a considerable upgrade from what Xbox One originally was capable of. Sony will have to match or go beyond that to continue its relevancy as the “gamers” console.
If Neo does come out this year, places for Neo’s official announcement may include Gamescom, Tokyo Game Show, or Paris Games Week. It might also be that Sony hosts a dedicated event for the unveiling, which seems to be the industry standard for unveiling new hardware.
This is certainly wonderful news for gamers everywhere who are looking to have more immersive experiences as well as better quality gaming. The flip side to this is that developers may struggle to blend the lines between old and new.
Let the console war begin. (Again)