The Prince Of Persia Sands Of Time remake is a project that has been in limbo for a rather long time now. This was slated to be released on January of 2021 after a reveal trailer went up. The trailer left a bad taste in fans mouths as the graphics were notably subpar compared to many of the remakes of remasters of the 2020’s, but Ubisoft cited that due to budget restrictions they had to prioritize larger scale projects at the time therefore we have not heard anything about it ever since.
Many people believed the project to be scrapped due to no more information after finding out that the project was taken off Ubisoft Mumbai and Ubisoft Pune’s hands and given to the more illustrious studio of Ubisoft Montreal in 2022. With the success of the recently released Prince Of Persia And The Lost Crown, it seems that Ubisoft may be picking up the pace on the Sands of Time remake once again, as on the ResetEra Forums, a user found the trophies for the game listed on PSN profiles.
This may be indicating that the release of this long awaited remake may actually be sooner than never like many speculated. This remake alongside the previously mentioned success of this months Lost Crown, it seems very likely the Ubisoft may be fully bringing back the Prince Of Persia series back to its household status. As for the actual trophies, there are 25 total with 7 of them being gold, 7 more being silver, 10 being bronze, and of course the one Platinum.