Nintendo initially said that its E3 Treehouse Live event would focus exclusively focus on the new named Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, but around a week before the convention Nintendo changed its mind and said that other games like Pokémon Sun and Moon would also be making an appearance at its event. Good thing too, because in this new trailer we get a look at some of the new Pokémon that inhabit the Alola region.
Among the new Pokémon are a woodpecker, a mongoose, a tiny grub, and a new legendary.
The first Pokémon, named Pikipek is a Normal/Flying and looks like it will be this generation’s Pidgey. Pikipek will have the abilities Keen Eye and Skill Link. In case you don’t remember, Pikipek was first teased back when the games were announced back in February. On the Pokémon site it was revealed that Pikipek also has a fascination for shiny things and will often take them and hide the items in its nests.
The next Pokémon shown off is the young mongoose looking creature called Yungoos, one can only assume it will evolve into “Teengoos” and then finally “Olgoos”. Yungoos is a Normal type with the new ability stakeout. With this ability a Pokémon can deal double the normal damage to Pokémon that are swapped out mid-battle. Yungoos was brought into the region to combat another threat and are now commonplace in Alola.
Nintendo showed off a new Bug type Pokémon too called Grubbin. It may be just a Bug type right now but Gubbin‘s love for electricity could influence how it will evolve later in the game.
A few months ago we reported on the new legendary Pokémon named Magearna that was announced. Since its reveal Nintendo has been pretty quite about when it would pop up in game, now we know.
Magearna is a Steel/Fairy type with the special ability Soul-Heart and will be in the upcoming games. What Soul-Heart does is whenever a Pokémon faints in battle Magearna’s special attack increases. This ability is tied into what Magearna is, and that’s the artificial Pokémon with a heart. It is called that because it was created by man over 500 years ago and in its chest resides something called a Soul-Heart which allows it perceive emotions. It can also take the appearance of a Poké-ball when it sleeps or is sad.
The trailer showed off a new way to battle as well. Called a Battle Royal, what it does is pit four players against each other and winner takes all. According to the live stream, players each get to pick three Pokémon and the battle is over when one person runs out of Pokémon. A winner is determined by who took out the most Pokémon and who had the most Pokémon left at the end of the battle.
Pokémon Sun and Moon will be out on November 18th for 3DS, 2DS, and New 3DS.