As many social distancing measures are being implemented due to the recently developing COVID-19 pandemic , Pokemon Go game makers have been making numerous updates and changes to the game to allow players to participate in the movement-based game from their homes. Niantic will soon allow players to participate in the famous Raid Battles from home. But, for now, they will continue to let players interact with Gyms from a distance to help with the concept of social distancing. As Niantic explained in the newest blog post, they are doubling the distance from which players can interact with Gyms, allowing people to spin Discs, and take part in the widely known and popular Raid Battles while keeping a large distance away from other Gym battlers. This change, however, only applies to Gyms, as Niantic is not increasing the distance from which you can interact with PokeStops, which are landmarks that drop items when players come near.
The distance from which you can interact with Gyms has been temporarily doubled, allowing you to be farther from Gyms and other Trainers as you challenge Raid Bosses. Learn more: https://t.co/Y9sa8WDIPf pic.twitter.com/sxXhBnuKy9
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) March 31, 2020
Niantic also claims to have more adjustments for the game coming soon as well. The developers say they are “working on an entirely new way to enjoy Pokemon Go Fest” this year, and it will also change the Adventure Sync feature so that it tracks people’s steps while doing things indoors “like cleaning your house and running on a treadmill.”At the same time, a new Legendary, Landorus, will be available in Raid Battles and as a Go Battle League reward encounter until April 21. The Mythical Pokemon Genesect is also debuting debut in EX Raids this month, and The Pokemon Go Tricky Pokemon event (introducing a new Gen 5 Pokemon into the game) will also show new Shiny forms of Pokemon until 10 pm local time on April 7th. Pokemon like Voltorb, Ditto, Sudowoodo, and Foongus will appear more in the wild, along with the chance of a Shiny Sudowoodo and Croagunk. Pokemon Go had this announcement to say on their Twitter page:
Are you a class clown? 🤡 A trickster? 🤪 A jokester? 🃏 An event featuring some well-known Pokémon pranksters and masters of disguise is coming your way, Trainers! https://t.co/bhKRMZANRA pic.twitter.com/88DNNwpikY
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) March 31, 2020
While the game developers have had to cancel numerous Pokemon Go events due to the pandemic, it still has a few events planned for April that are facing a possible change, delay, and even cancellations. The time for The Team Rocket Special Research story quest has been extended; as players now have until the end of April to rescue Shadow Entei and defeat Team Rocket. Also, Alolan Exeggutor will be April’s Research Breakthrough reward, and Niantic will continue to hold their weekly Pokemon Spotlights and Mystery Bonus Hour events throughout the month. Plans for far future events are unknown at this time.